A common theme that I have been observing in my professional and personal realm is that FEAR, whether a person is conscious of the fear or its subconscious, causes stagnation. This four letter word changes peoples lives in such a way that people forget how to live. When I ask the question, "What are you afraid of?" Most of the time, the answer is "What do you mean? I'm not afraid of anything." However, after deep awareness and understanding, the answer is usually one of the fears I listed below.
What does FEAR look like? This answer may be different for everyone you ask but these are the most common:
FEAR of Judgement: I can't raise my hand in class. What if someone calls me dumb or weird?
FEAR of Failure: I have this great business idea or proposal. I can't do it; it may not succeed.
FEAR of Being Alone: I know he/she is cheating on me but I have to hold on to him. I can't be alone.
FEAR of Being good enough: My boss tells me I'm doing a good job but she is just saying that. I don't think I'm doing well at all.
FEAR of Disappointing others: My family wants me to be an engineer. I can't tell them that I dislike Science and Math and want to change my major.
Therapy helps you become Aware of your FEARS, Understand your FEARS, and Overcome your FEARS to help you live your BEST LIFE.